Sunday, July 15, 2012

Abiding in the Word.

"But know that the LORD has set apart the godly for himself; the LORD hears when I call to him."

Psalm 4:3

I've decided that Sundays are going to be picture Sundays... I'm going to post all the pics that I take on my phone throughout the week. Now you'll really be able to see what's up with the Jones. :)

Lima Bean "helping" with the mowing... aka she took one small ride around the driveway. 

Facetime with MyTy and GranDude.

A stray kitten showed up on our doorway Monday night. We tried to catch it, but it ran off. I fretted over the poor guy, and not until Wednesday did it reappear. Much to our dismay, it had a seriously broken leg. We took it to the Humane Society where it received medical treatment. On the 18th, if we'd like to adopt, we can go get it. Although I got attached in the 12 hrs we had it, I think it'll have to find another home. 

Lima Bean has become quite the little eater. She really likes raspberries and goat cheese. :)

A good friend from college came to visit - Allie.
Here we are in our friend Amanda's signature "girlfriends" pose. :)

Here's LB out and about in downtown Colorado Springs for a girls' lunch.

After lunch, we went on a drive to Helen Hunt Falls. On the way up, we passed these two deer - about 6 ft. from our car.

The next day, Andrew, Rachel, LB, Allie, and I took a trip to the top of Pike's Peak. We let Lima Bean ride out of her seat since the ride moves slowly. Here's how she entertained herself.

Making our way up to the top.

We made it! 

The drive to the top wore LB out.

Cow Appreciation Day

If you look closely, above Lima Bean's left eye is a little bruise. She fell last night, and her bruise decided to stay around. It's her battle wound.

1 comment:

  1. yes! A shoot out! Thank you! Looks like you all had a great week! Missing all of you so much! I have so much to tell you when we next talk. Let's make it happen soon! nanners
