Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Very Jones Thanksgiving.

I have to admit I took an embarrassingly small amount of photos over the Thanksgiving holiday. I guess with all the turkey in my tummy, I just got lazy. Nevertheless, I have just a few photos I thought I'd share.

Thanksgiving was certainly different for us this year. Different, but not in any way unpleasant. As mentioned before in an earlier post, Rachel was here for the week, and we had a great time. We didn't have much planned, but just being together was what it was all about.

For our Thanksgiving meal, we had two of our dear friends over for dinner, Mike and Jessica. Mike was the IM (interim manager) of Andrew's store while Andrew was in his FRL course at CFA Corp. After Mike was finished at AJ's store here in the Springs, CFA sent him to a store in Aurora, a suburb of Denver, so he's just a little over an hour away. We met Mike when we first moved to COS in September and have been buds ever since. His wife joined him in November (she was teaching in NC prior) so now we're a little more even on the playing field when we get together. :)  We are SO thankful for Mike and Jessica. They have been a source of true friendship with lots of laughter.

Ok back to Thanksgiving. Entertaining/cooking are two of my absolute favorite things to do in all the world, so I was so excited to be able to fix a Thanksgiving spread. Thanks to Grace Church, I didn't have to worry about a turkey or ham because we received a gift card to Honey Baked Ham when Lima Bean was born. I was just in charge of sides and desserts. Andrew was in charge of our appetizer - fried pickles!

Of course we had the traditional dressing and sweet potato casserole, along with mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, creamed spinach, and the fabulous Sister Schubert rolls. For dessert, we had key lime pie (AJ's personal fav), pumpkin cheesecake, and pumpkin pie (after cooking the cheesecake, I was concerned how it turned out, so I made a pumpkin pie just in case... hate for the one pumpkin dessert to be a flop!).

Oh and I can't forget a small Fowler tradition... our little turkeys. :)

Was there way too much food? Most definitely.

Are we still eating leftovers? Of course.

Was it worth it? Absolutely.

We just had a simple table setting... Andrew was in charge of the decorations so props to him for the centerpiece with the funky gourds and hurricane, along with the lovely silverware bundles. :)

Unfortunately, as mentioned above, I didn't get many pictures so I don't even have one of us with Mike and Jessica. And the one and only pic I got of Andrew with both his sister and Lima Bean has disappeared. Boo. But here's a pic of our lil family on Thanksgiving, along with Andrew and LB.

Andrew and I have so much to be thankful for this year, including a very happy Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely Thanksgiving spread you prepared Anne! It looked impressive!! I always enjoy looking at your blog post so much! Please add me on your list so I can keep reading. My email is lauricelujan@yahoo.com and blog address is http://reeseray.blogspot.com
    Besides, I have to be able to pull you up when your dad comes up to my desk with a client and says "pull up chikin chatter" so he can show yall off. haha! Its so sweet! He is so proud of you :-)
