Well there's a little more to this picture than just the fact that it's a pretty place to be at night. It just so happens that this area in Denver - Southglenn - is about to become our new home!
Last Monday, Andrew was selected as the owner/operator of a brand new Chick-fil-A store in Denver. This is very exciting news! Andrew and I are beyond thrilled and honored for the opportunity Andrew's been given. Of course we will be sad to leave Colorado Springs, but we are excited to see what's in store.
Since Andrew found out about the relocation last week, our life has become utter chaos. In attempt to get out of our house penalty free, we've agreed to move out by December 17th so new tenants can come in. Initially, our plan was to be in Colorado Springs through the end of January, but since we can't do anything in a relaxed and calm manner, we thought it'd add to the fun to move out within two weeks and store all of our belongings in Pods until we find a place to live in Denver. Oh, and that's the other funny part... we don't know where we're going to live in Denver yet, so we will officially be homeless starting December 17th. :)
Even through all of the chaos and uncertainty of the future, Andrew and I are finding peace in our sovereign Lord because we know He will provide. And like I said to my mom... we can either stress out about everything or just laugh about it. Stressing isn't going to solve any problems, so might as well have a good laugh (good ab workout, right?).
The store is just now being built, but here's a picture of the outside... it's very different compared to most Chick-fil-A's - quite modern and sleek (plus no playground to worry about!). It sits in front of a large development that is similar to Atlantic Station (for those of you in GA that are familiar with that shopping center), where there are nice shops below luxury apartments. I think it will offer a great opportunity for Andrew.
So that's the exciting news folks... Andrew is getting a BRAND NEW STORE and we're moving to Denver! The tentative opening date for the store is April 18th... just a couple of weeks before my due date. Can anyone say flashback to baby #1?! Seriously folks, we like to try to cram as many exciting things in to one period of time as possible.
I'm proud of Andrew. He's worked very hard as an operator for the last 14 months, with no complaining, and the Lord is blessing him. I feel so honored to call him my husband. Love you AJ! Thank you for providing for our family.
Congrats on the new store! I will be praying for you guys as you enter this new chapter of your life, finding a new home and welcoming a new little one! So many exciting things happening for you friend! :)