Isaiah 40:5
Happy Easter. "Christ is risen! Christ is risen, indeed!"
Today in church, we sang, "Christ the Lord is Risen Today," like many of you all did, I'm sure. I just love the verse when it says, "Lives again our glorious King; where, O death, is now thy sting? Once he died, our souls to save; where thy victory, O grave?"
Christ has conquered death and sin, and now we may rejoice that we will worship our Creator and God forever!
Today just happens to be my birthday too. "Happy birthday to me!" :) We have had a wonderful day. It started a little early when Lima Bean decided she was wide awake at 5:15 a.m., but after a little early morning play time, we took a nap and then headed to church. Church was great! I think I mentioned we are searching for a new church home, which can be quite discouraging, but today was refreshing. We will likely stay at this church, Skyview Presbyterian (for those who might want to check it out online).
Andrew's last day at the Citadel in the Springs was yesterday. It was a bittersweet day since the Citadel was his first store. It will always be a special place. His team certainly made him feel very loved too. One of his leaders posted a very thoughtful note on Facebook yesterday evening. I thought I'd share it.
His team decided to show their love by decorating Andrew's car too. :)
Andrew received a few packages for his new store. This particular package had all sorts of goodies in it for anything from training and organizing to advertising.
Lima Bean decided she wanted to wear my dress this afternoon.
The last two days have been really beautiful. Yesterday we went for a short walk and played on the playground.
Sadly, this is the only photo I have of Lima Bean in her Easter dress. I didn't even get a picture with my girl on my birthday. :(
This is the extent of our Easter decorations this year. Living in an apartment, with 75% of our stuff packed up, definitely makes for a sparse looking abode. Thank you for the Easter towels, Mama!
Lima Bean enjoying her reading time last night... in her tutu of course.
I took a few pictures of Lima Bean opening her Easter basket this morning. I will upload those photos off of my little point and shoot so I can post those this week. Also, I have a recipe for a quick and easy artichoke dip coming your way, so be on the lookout for that too!
Last week I mentioned that my grandmother was in the hospital due to an emergency surgery on a tear in her duodenum and her not-so-great recovery. Just as an update, she is doing a little better. She moved out of the ICU this weekend, but is still more or less dependent on a breathing machine. The doctors are uncertain of how well she is going to recover. So please be in prayer for my grandmother, "Gran" or "Suzie." I will continue to keep you all updated as things progress.
Have a wonderful week. Can you believe tomorrow starts a new month?! This year is flying by.