"There is none like you, O LORD; you are great, and your name is great in might."
Jeremiah 10:6
Happy July all!
I have to just accept the fact that blogging right now is going to be inconsistent. I just can't seem to keep it up regularly so I'm sorry, but I will do my best to keep you all abreast on the Jones' happenings the best I can.
I kept thinking I would take the time to do a variety of posts from different events, but I've decided to make it just one GIANT photo dump. Happy scrolling! :)
No words...
Mother's Day brunch with my man.
Having an ECHO.
Pops and Lima Bean replacing our faucet.
Opening my gift from Aunt Kathy and Uncle Berry :)
Who needs clothes when you have RAIN BOOTS?!
Getting rid of the stripes in our powder room.
Just a typical day in the Jones' household...
Lima BEan makes everything a phone.
Potty break!
This is the way we eat our snacks... doesn't everybody?
Celebrating Andrew's store being open ONE week (a while back).
Yes I ate all of this myself while Andrew was closing... and it was good.
Ice cream!
The wreath I made for our door.
This girl loves popcorn.
Water table fun!
Yummy dinner.
Swimming with our BFFS... Carianne and Gwen!
Sleeping Firecracker.
Lima Bean and Firecracker snuggling for the first time.
Mother's Day.
Our new hydrangeas! (Thanks Mom and Dad!)
New gates for the dog run... Thanks Pops and GranDude!
Reading to her friends.
Ice cream on the back patio while Daddy talks business.
Our friend Bella.
My view.
Somebody is watching me... copycat!
After Firecracker's first swim. She was worn out! (notice the rolls on her arm. hehe)
A little cleaning after swimming.
First time she ever slept in her big girl bed (for a nap while the bed was still in the nursery).
My $10 stroller from a garage sale. Total steal.
Firecracker loves looking at her mobile.
New produce delivery. I'm finally getting my groceries delivered again. I love it.
Father's Day with a sleepy daddy, a pants-less toddler, and a cross-eyed baby.
How Andrew spent his Father's day afternoon.
Too cool.
Popsicles with the besties.
So concentrated.
Lima Bean's twin brother separated at birth.
A perfect evening.
Whew! Ok you're caught up. :)