Tuesday, August 20, 2013


I just realized I didn't post this last week! I'm not sure what happened, but it was saved as a "draft." Oops! Sorry for the delay.

"Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exists have been instituted by God."

Romans 13:1

That verse is a tough one. ;)

So what's going on with the Jones family? Not much really, and I like it that way!

Andrew's sister, Rachel, is in town. Wahoo! We've had a good time. She will be here for three weeks. Andrew is busy working. Even I jumped in this week and got my hands a little dirty at the 'ol chicken hut. I will be spending some time helping at the store this fall, as Andrew continues to hire daytime staff. Please be in prayer that he will be able to hire a complete team. The majority of his current team is high schoolers, who are leaving within the week, so he's in need of more help.

Firecracker continues to develop... getting cuter and cuter by the minute, if you ask me. She is holding her head up very well, and she enjoys sitting in her Bumbo seat. She rolls all of the time now, and she sleeps through the night. Yay! She generally sleeps from around 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. I'll take it!!

Lima Bean is starting to talk a lot. We can't always understand what she is saying, but we've figured out her language, more or less, and it's fun to see that lil brain of hers working. One of her favorite things, currently, is to have her feet rubbed. We will be sitting down on the sofa and she'll plop her feet in my lap and say, "feet" (i.e. rub my feet!). I don't mind. I enjoy loving on her that way.

We had a family outing to the Alpine Slides - a huge slide on the side of a mountain. Lima Bean loved it. She is a little daredevil in the making! The only problem is she couldn't go fast enough. :)

Lima Bean and friends enjoying popsicles after the big slide.

 Lima Bean likes to put on my socks. 
 Playing at the park behind our house.
 Poor Firecracker. I guess she will learn to defend herself one day. 

Hello Firecracker! Nice belly.

Mornings at the Jones'.

Firecracker sitting in her Bumbo like a big girl.

Getting some chores done.

Firecracker is starting to hold toys and teethe.

 A beautiful rainbow.

Lima Bean has her own sense of style...

Playing in the front yard.


Snuggling with Auntie Rach.


 Family time! Since Andrew's cousin, Ryan, lives in town now, we get to see him pretty often. It felt like old times playing games after the kiddos were asleep. (and yes, Ryan is just being himself... making faces). 

 Some mornings, when Lima Bean gets up really early, we will turn on VeggieTales in our room for her to watch while we're waking up. Here she is cuddled with Ellie. Silly girl.

Back to the 'ol grind. 

Yesterday, Lima Bean was up with the sun, and got in to my makeup without me even realizing it! I was so sound asleep (Andrew was already at work) that I didn't even hear her in my bathroom. Oh man it was a mess. Here she is with eye shadow, eye shadow primer, and blush on her face. 

 Firecracker laughs more and more each day. Such a silly girl.

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