Sunday, November 25, 2012

Abiding in the Word.

"Who among you fears the LORD and obeys the voice of his servant? Let him who walks in darkness and has no light trust in the name of the LORD and rely on his God."

Isaiah 50:10

I hope everyone had a delightful Thanksgiving. We sure did. I was so glad to enjoy the holiday with family.

Now it's back to reality. :)

Superwoman wrapped in her clothes cape.

Going for a walk. Apparently Lima Bean thought she should walk too, so we pushed an empty stroller and took about three times as long to walk our usual loop. :)

Our Thanksgiving spread.

'Tis the season!

 I can't believe we'll have an additional stocking hanging by the fire next year!

Because our massive tree needed a home, the glider got the boot. Here's Lima Bean enjoying the glider's temporary home before it goes downstairs.

Have a marvelous week!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thankful #3.

This post is a day late, but I have a really good excuse.

Of the six people currently staying in our house, starting Monday evening, four of the six got a severe 24-hr stomach flu. Oh boy, it was an eventful Monday night/Tuesday!

Then Lima Bean decided that she wanted to join in on the fun, so her lunch revisited us yesterday afternoon. Other than that, however, she seemed to be ok.

By God's grace, I was the only one who made it out safely. I think that was God's way of allowing the house to make it through the storm... somebody had to be in charge of providing cokes, gatorade, ginger ale, and saltines to the invalids.

Everyone is feeling much better, and now we don't have to worry about a low-calorie Thanksgiving. :)

But back to thankfulness. Besides a house full of healthy people, I am thankful for technology. This might sound a little crazy, but being able to keep in touch with our family and friends by way of email, Facetime, and the alike is a blessing.

Living far away from our family has been a little more difficult than I expected since Lima Bean came along. There have been times when I just want to go over to one of our parents' houses for dinner or drop Lima Bean off with my mom so I can run some errands baby-free. Although we can't zip over to visit with our families in person, we can hop on Facetime and enjoy some quality time almost in person. It's the next best thing!

Thank you, Lord, for smart people who invent cool things like computers and internet so that others, like the Jones, can benefit!

Lima Bean and Andrew talking to family this past summer.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Thankful #2.

Today I am thankful for family.

I am thankful for all my family - my husband, daughter, parents, in-laws, and siblings. God has blessed us with a very close family on both sides and I couldn't be more grateful.

I am especially grateful for Andrew. It has been such a delightful, wild ride with him by my side. Over the last four years, I have grown more in love with him and I admire him more and more as a husband, a father (over the last year), a leader of our home, and a businessman. It has been so neat to see him as an operator - his abilities to lead a team and run a store successfully. I'm very proud of him! So, that's why I'm thankful for him.

We just "celebrated"our four year anniversary by spending three hours on a plane with a toddler in our lap as we flew to GA. I wouldn't call that an ideal celebration, but, nevertheless, we've made it four years and I couldn't be happier!

As I reminisce about our wedding, I think of a hymn we sang. I thought it was appropriate to share, since it is about giving praise to our God.

"1. Give praise to God who reigns above for perfect knowledge, wisdom, love;
His judgments are divine, devout, his paths beyond all tracing out.

Refrain: Come, lift your voice to heaven's high throne,
And glory give to God alone.

2. No one can counsel God all-wise or truths unveil to His sharp eyes;
He marks our paths behind, before; He is our steadfast Counsellor.

3. Nothing exists that God might need for all things good from Him proceed.
We praise Him as our Lord and yet, we never place God in our debt.

4. Creation, life, salvation, too, and all things else both good and true,
Come from and through our God always, and fill our heart with grateful praise."

Of course I can't help but give a little shout out to Lima Bean too - the joy of my life! I never knew you could love someone so much until she came into our lives. She's a feisty pickle full of personality, and I wouldn't change a thing. :)

I will "lift my voice to heaven's high throne" for all good things... today, especially my family.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Abiding in the Word.

"And from the throne came a voice saying, 'Praise our God all you his servants, you who fear him, small and great.'"

Revelation 19:5

Today begins Thanksgiving week. In light of this special occasion, over the next few days, I thought I would share how my heart is thankful. To begin, I am thankful that I am a child of God.

I wanted to share a hymn we sang in church today. As I sang the words, I was drawn to tears (of course that was probably the hormones... again) thinking of how God blesses us daily with things like... light and breath. May we never cease to thank our gracious, loving Savior for the things He gives us.

In Thanksgiving, Let Us Praise Him
Author: Clair Cloninger/Franz Joseph Haydn. Copyright: ©1986 by Word Music.
Used by permission. CCLI #1118490

From the first bright light of morning
To the last warm glow of dusk;
Every breath we take is sacred, For it is God’s gift to us.

In thanksgiving, let us praise Him;
In thanksgiving, let us sing
Songs of praise and adoration
To our gracious Lord and King.

In the season of our plenty, In the season of our need;
We will find His grace sufficient,
We will find His love complete. (Chorus)

Safe within His hand that guides us,
Hidden in His healing wings;
Day by day His love provides us
Every good and perfect thing. (Chorus)

After the Hymn of Adoration, we read a passage from the Old Testament - Psalm 147:11, which says: "Sing to the LORD with thanksgiving; make melody to our God on the lyre! He covers the heavens with clouds; He prepares rain for the earth; He makes grass grow on the hills. He gives to the beasts their food (*Note this is not talking about husbands... hehe), and to the young ravens that cry. His delight is not in the strength of the horse, nor His pleasure in the legs of a man, but the LORD takes pleasure in those who fear Him, in those who hope in His steadfast love."

This was so powerful to me. To think that the author of perfection, the creator of all things on this earth and space, the ruler and king over all, who keeps everything in the world running and living... over all His magnificent creation... He takes pleasure in his children.

Words cannot adequately express how thankful I am that I am treasured over all creation. Who am I that He saw fit to love me? Out of an overflowing heart I rejoice. Friends, let us rejoice in our loving God!

In other news, Lima Bean's MyTy and GranDude are here for Thanksgiving! We couldn't be happier to have family here. Lima Bean has been having a blast. I have pics on my camera that I will upload (eventually), but here are a few from last week.

On the last day of my Bible study, we had a lunch... so Lima Bean took her own lunch to the nursery. She loves her lunch box from her cousin James.

Watching some football with Amos.

Just hanging out. I'm thankful that LB doesn't mind playing alone. It frees me up to get things done around the house if need be.

She just can't get close enough to the pups.

Playing outside.

Wearing MyTy's gloves.

Quite the lady. :)

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Crispy Rice Snacks.

This is a tasty treat that is simple to make and guilt-free eating.

Add peanut butter (or your nut butter of choice... I love using almond butter, but when making for a crowd I use peanut butter to save on cost) to a mixing bowl.

To the nut butter, add honey. *Be sure to spray your measuring cup with oil first to prevent the honey from sticking.
 Combine the two together.

Toss in your chopped nuts of choice - I typically always go for pecans.

 Add a half teaspoon of cinnamon and vanilla.

 Stir to combine.
 Now measure out 2 cups of crispy rice cereal and pour it in the mixing bowl.

 Gently stir to combine.

Scoop out some of the mixture and shape into a walnut sized ball. It helps to dab your hands in water to keep the mixture from sticking to your hands too much.

 Place on wax/parchment paper or an oiled pan.

I like to roll the rice balls in coconut for a little more taste.

Let the snacks sit for just a little while to harden up a bit then serve. I prefer to store them in the fridge.

Crispy Rice Snacks

1/2 c. crunchy peanut butter (or any other nut butter you prefer)
1/2 c. honey
1/2 c. chopped nuts (I prefer pecans)
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. vanilla
2 c. rice cereal (use brown rice cereal for some added nutrients)

Mix nut butter, honey, nuts, cinnamon, and vanilla together in a bowl. Add rice cereal and stir gently until the cereal is well coated.

Place a dish of water near the mixing bowl. Using slightly wet hands, form the mixture into walnut size balls and place them on a lightly oiled dish or wax paper. 

If you like, try rolling the balls in coconut or chopped nuts. Also, try adding your favorite dried fruit to the mixture or even some mini-chocolate chips. :)


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

We're Back!

Hello, again. I missed you guys!

The Jones family has been in GA for the last 12 days, so no posts were written... vacation time, right?

We had a wonderfully relaxing time visiting family, celebrating a wedding, and laughing with friends.

I might or might not have had a Martin's biscuit and gravy four times while there. What can I say? Minus the fact that my lower legs are incredibly swollen from water retention due to all the gluten I ate, it was totally worth it. :)

Here is our trip in photos...

Lima Bean ready to go.

Our flight was delayed... 6 hours... so we did what all men do: went to Dick's Sporting Goods.

Lima Bean's first ride on the escalator while standing on her own.

The reason we went home was for Andrew's cousin's (Josh) wedding. Here is Andrew with his cousins, Josh and Ryan. 

Lima Bean stayed with my parents during the wedding weekend. They had fun playing and going for hikes. Lima Bean's new infatuation is grocery carts.

LB's infamous smile.

Riding the rocking horse at Mimi and Pop's.

Just returning from a lovely hike with Pops (and Gus).

LB's other favorite new toy - a stroller.

And she loves acorns and leaves. We brake for rocks, leaves, and acorns... always.

GranDude and Lima Bean collecting acorns.

"Hi cow."

While home, we were able to celebrate Auntie Rach's birthday... Happy Birthday Auntie Rach!

Just having some quality lounging time.

Apparently, Lima Bean likes to get in/under things. Here she is caught in the act.

Please disregard my weird posture and notice the legs sticking out from below the chair.

Playing with Mama's iPhone under the chair.

Lima Bean spent some quality time with Gus on the trip. They really seemed to bond.

More leaf collecting.

"Hi Gus Gus."

Having fun with Auntie Ashley.

I can't decide if Lima Bean likes this book better or if I do. A fabulous gift from Auntie Lauren... right up my alley. :)

Upon our arrival home, I was determined to unpack immediately. Lima Bean decided to "help."

Yesterday morning (our first morning back in CO), God blessed us with a breathtaking sunrise - which isn't unusual out here... I just happened to see the whole thing since Lima Bean is still on GA time.

I think it's safe to say that Lima Bean had a great time. Be on the lookout this week for a new recipe for Crispy Rice Balls - a delicious, gluten-free snack that is easy to make and a guilt-free, sweet treat to have around the house.

Oh and just for fun... I am 15 weeks pregnant this week! The lil babe, who we shall call Firecracker, is the size of an avocado. I chose Firecracker because, so far, he/she has given me quite a show in my pregnancy. And by show, I mean a significant amount of nausea and fatigue. Firecracker has certainly made his/her presence known. :)