Sunday, December 30, 2012

Abiding in the Word.

"For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory."

2 Corinthians 1:20

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas celebrating the birth of Christ with family and friends. We enjoyed our holiday, spending time with both of our families.

I haven't uploaded any photos off of my camera from Christmas, but here's what my phone has captured over the last few weeks.

Lima Bean's form of entertainment while packing... after 90% of our furniture had been packed up.

The last of the packing before we left. Another phase of our life has come and gone. 

Very blurry, but I thought this was still funny. Somebody loves to be in her birthday suit!

Andrew let his beard grow out over the 10 day span he was in GA. He shaved his beard before he left... well most of it. Can any one say creeper?? 

All bundled up in the cold.

Lima Bean is going through another foot phase.

Homemade bread and milk. Yum yum. Holidays are all about breaking rules... so much for gluten-free and dairy-free!

Lima Bean enjoying reading with the sun shining through the front door.

This is a horrible picture, but I hope you can get the gist of the photo. This house probably has 50+ of those blow up Christmas decorations in their front yard. Call me crazy, but I'm not sure if that's the point of the holiday. :)

Poor Lima Bean... she had her first fever this weekend. Over 102 degrees for the better part of each day. Luckily she's feeling better now. 

I had lunch with this guy on Saturday. Rob is one of our dearest friends from college. I met Rob and our friend Allie for lunch at Doc Cheys. The food and fellowship was just what I needed on a cold, rainy GA day.

As I think about the new year that's upon us, I'm thankful for new beginnings. Year 2012 was in no way a bad year for us, in fact it was a very enjoyable one for our family, but even still, the changes that come with a new year can be exciting. Of course there are hardships too. Thank goodness we can't foresee the future! Anywho, I was thinking of what the future holds for the Jones family... a new baby, possibly the purchase of our first home, a new Chick-fil-A store for Andrew... some very exciting times. In these moments, I'm moved to thankfulness. What a gracious and loving God we serve! Even though we don't deserve it, He brings glory to Himself by blessing us with a multitude of gifts.

For the closing hymn in church today, we sang "O Sacred Head, Now Wounded." As I thought about the words of the hymn, I was touched. So often we get caught up in the little (or big) things in our lives that we lose sight of what really matters. I wanted to share two verses of the hymn with you...

"What thou, my Lord has suffered was all for sinner's gain;
mine, mine was the transgression, but thine the deadly pain.
Lo, here I fall, my Savior! 'Tis I deserve thy place;
look on me with thy favor, vouchsafe to me thy grace.

What language shall I borrow to thank thee, dearest Friend,
for this, thy dying sorrow, thy pity without end?
O make me thine forever, and should I fainting be,
Lord, let me never, never outlive my love to thee."

I love this! Christ took the place that I deserve (death) so I might live in His grace. Oh Lord may I never outlive my love to thee. 

So as we think about what the year 2013 holds, through both the good and the bad, may our thoughts and our actions reflect what really matters - the saving grace of Christ. Let's not get caught up in the little stuff (although significant), but rather let's focus on the joy we find in God's love towards us.

Happy New Year my friends!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from Andrew, Anne, Lima Bean, and Firecracker!

"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9:6

Praise the Lord our God for His wonderful gift!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Andrew and I went to the doctor today to find out if Firecracker was a little miss or little mister.

It turns out Andrew is going to be highly outnumbered. We're having a little MISS Firecracker! Lima Bean is going to have a baby sister in May. :)

Apparently Miss Firecracker is going to be like her mama. According to the first time Andrew's friends described me to his parents, they said I was "feisty." I guess Firecracker will be a suitable name!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Abiding in the Word.

"So, brothers, in whatever condition each was called, there let him remain with God."

1 Corinthians 7:24

Well our house looks like a total disaster. I'd like to think this is a good sign, however, because it means we've made a great deal of progress! Our house is pretty much all packed up, except for the stuff we need for the rest of our time here. 

Lima Bean has been a huge help in our packing...

Lima Bean has watched a lot of Veggie Tales and Baby Signing Time. I hope that within these two week of packing, I haven't fried her brain too much. :)

A late night treat of frozen yogurt... I'd like to think it was well deserved

Date night! Andrew had two free tickets to see Colorado College play Saturday night, so our dear friend Amy came to watch Lima Bean. It was so refreshing to be together and NOT packing. :)

Look at how close we were!

I'm 19 weeks pregnant today. I have been feeling much better... no negative symptoms to speak of anymore.  Tomorrow we go to find out if Firecracker is a boy or a girl!! I'm so excited. 

Have a wonderful week. I can't believe we're already over a week in to December!

Monday, December 3, 2012

On the move...

Remember this picture from the last post?

Well there's a little more to this picture than just the fact that it's a pretty place to be at night. It just so happens that this area in Denver - Southglenn - is about to become our new home!

Last Monday, Andrew was selected as the owner/operator of a brand new Chick-fil-A store in Denver. This is very exciting news! Andrew and I are beyond thrilled and honored for the opportunity Andrew's been given. Of course we will be sad to leave Colorado Springs, but we are excited to see what's in store.

Since Andrew found out about the relocation last week, our life has become utter chaos. In attempt to get out of our house penalty free, we've agreed to move out by December 17th so new tenants can come in. Initially, our plan was to be in Colorado Springs through the end of January, but since we can't do anything in a relaxed and calm manner, we thought it'd add to the fun to move out within two weeks and store all of our belongings in Pods until we find a place to live in Denver. Oh, and that's the other funny part... we don't know where we're going to live in Denver yet, so we will officially be homeless starting December 17th. :)

Even through all of the chaos and uncertainty of the future, Andrew and I are finding peace in our sovereign Lord because we know He will provide. And like I said to my mom... we can either stress out about everything or just laugh about it. Stressing isn't going to solve any problems, so might as well have a good laugh (good ab workout, right?).

The store is just now being built, but here's a picture of the outside... it's very different compared to most Chick-fil-A's - quite modern and sleek (plus no playground to worry about!). It sits in front of a large development that is similar to Atlantic Station (for those of you in GA that are familiar with that shopping center), where there are nice shops below luxury apartments. I think it will offer a great opportunity for Andrew.

So that's the exciting news folks... Andrew is getting a BRAND NEW STORE and we're moving to Denver! The tentative opening date for the store is April 18th... just a couple of weeks before my due date. Can anyone say flashback to baby #1?! Seriously folks, we like to try to cram as many exciting things in to one period of time as possible. 

I'm proud of Andrew. He's worked very hard as an operator for the last 14 months, with no complaining, and the Lord is blessing him. I feel so honored to call him my husband. Love you AJ! Thank you for providing for our family.

Abiding in the Word.

"But let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the LORD."

Jeremiah 9:24

Happy December all! I must say this has been a very busy month for the Jones family already. I have a lot to share. For now, however, here are some pics from last week.

Some Christmas goodies for Andrew's team.

Hello baby.

I ran to Wal-Mart really early on Saturday morning. Lima Bean watched Veggie Tales in bed while Daddy woke up.

Our house is utter chaos right now. This might or might not have to do with the news I will be sharing in the next post. As for now, soak in the madness.

Speaking of madness... check out this hair! Crazy bed head.

"You talkin' to me?"

 Being silly with Daddy.

Christmas came early to the Jones' house this year. We will be in GA at Christmas, so we decided to celebrate last night. Lima Bean got a shopping buggy, a vacuum, and a totally awesome rocking horse. :)

This is a really cool shopping center in Denver. I couldn't pass up taking a picture of the beautiful lights.